Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Buddhism in East Asia Essay

Many people will choose Confucianism as the most important factor in understating East Asian culture. Confucianism, indeed, is crucial in understanding the culture. However, one should not overlook the influence of Buddhism on Confucianism and many areas of East Asian culture. Buddhism, one of the world’s oldest religions and a philosophy, is shared by East Asian countries, thus in order to fully appreciate the East Asian culture, one should learn about Buddhism and its significant influence on the culture. This paper will discuss Buddhism shared by East Asian culture and how the religion played an enormous role in shaping the mindset of people affecting their culture. Buddhism started approximately in the 6th century BCE, starting with the birth of the Buddha in India. The religion then spread through Central Asia, East Asia, and Southeast Asia (Keown). Among many branches of Buddhism, Mahayana has been diffused from first west, north, and east throughout East Asia (Skilton). The fundamental principles of Mahayana are liberation from suffering and the belief in the existence of Bodhisattva. Bodhisattva is someone who achieved Nirvana, the state of being free from both suffering and the cycle of rebirth (Keown). One can find a carved wood elongated figure of Bodhisattva Guanyin (1999. 13. 0003) from Spurlok Museum, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL . In this wooden figure, Guanyin is barefoot with hair wrapped in knot, wears ornate robes and holds a basket with flowers (Spurlock Museum). One can also find a photo of Bronze Seated Buddha in National Museum at Kyongbok-Kung, Seoul, South Korea (1986. 27. 0017) in Spurlock Museum . These are an important artifact and a photo because one can easily find very similar artifacts of Guanyin or Buddha in China, Korea, and Japan. It shows one how Buddhism was shared by East Asian countries (Yu). Upon first encountering Buddhism, many Chinese scholars regarded it as merely a foreign religion. This caused Buddhism to transform itself into a system that could co-exist within the Chinese way of life. Thus, filial devotion, one of the most valued by Confucianists, in Buddhist teachings became the core texts in China. It further strengthened the Confucian value by claiming that the salvation of an individual was a benefit to the society and family. Therefore, Buddhism could spread well in the Chinese population (Chen). From this point, Buddhism spread to Korea and Japan, and Buddhist ideology began to merge with Confucianism. This caused many Confucian scholars to redefine Confucianism as Neo-Confucianism (Chen). While Neo-Confucianism adapted Buddhist ideas, many Neo-Confucianists strongly opposed Buddhism. Nonetheless, Buddhism offered Confucianism important ideas such as the nature of the soul and the relation of the individual to the cosmos, ideas not explored by Confucianism (Chen). Again, Neo-Confucianism was spread through Korea and Japan, and they were all deeply influenced for more than half a millennium (Chen). Moreover, many other indigenous religions and philosophical systems in East Asia integrated the ideas and teachings of Buddhism, so it came to be a natural part of living. In conclusion, the teachings of Buddhism not only influenced in shaping the mindset of East Asian people, but also affected their philosophy of life.

Political, Social, Economic, and Intellectual Life

Between the time period of 1840 and 1860, slavery played an influential and pivotal role in the development of a new southern lifestyle. In the struggle for dominance in America, slavery was the South’s stronghold and the underlying cause in much of their motives for many of the economic instigations along with the affirmative political actions. By dominating the everyday southerner’s life, slavery also dominated the economic and political aspects of life during the height of the slavery period.By the 1840’s the Southern economy had become almost entirely slave and and agriculturally dependent. Without the dependence of slaves in the south, a person was to remain landless, poverty stricken or struggling to sustain life through the means of a minute, ineffective farm. However, even though slaves dominated the southern economy, slaveholders only included about 2 to 3 percent of the population, and most owned less than ten slaves. This small percentage of fortunate individuals were the few people successful in a slave based, cash crop, agricultural, Southern economy.In turn, the Southern economy was controlled and dominated by those who did and did not have slaves, which generated the political ideology and political atmosphere formed as a result of the utter reliance on slavery controlling all aspects of everyday life. ?Slaves in the south were the main contributors to the South’s economic success. The invention of Eli Whitney’s cotton gin made possible the wide-scale cultivation of short-staple cotton.All professionals worked diligently with one another to make sure each function, from production to distribution, was properly executed on the plantation, and that an ample supply of cotton was always present. An organized network of commerce never developed in the South, as the high demand for cotton in Europe, primarily Great Britain, and in North America, more slaves were needed in the south to continue to produce the lucrative cash crops, booming the southern economy and the need to create and reform the cash crop business.The the new cotton crop and other rising crops like rice and tobacco led to the increasing demands that were higher than the current production rate. In order for them to generate a more lucrative business, the south used slaves as a labor source to produce crops, which had the largest impact on the southern lifestyle. This in turn boosted the south's economy, which allowed the the southern life to thrive and create a distinction between themselves and the other economies of North America. Whilst slaves dominated the southern economy, slaveholders only accounted for about two to three percent of the southern population.This small, yet powerful percentage of individuals were the people successful in agricultural business and the driving force behind the usage and continuation of slavery in the South. Without slaves there would be no cotton, tobacco, or sugar production and without these integral items, the Southern economy would absolutely collapse. The South depended on slaves to fuel their economy which in turn allowed for slavery to dominate the economy and be the sole resource of the South. ?Between 1840 and 1860 many political issues, debates, and actions were inflamed by the presence of slavery.As America grew, both in population and in size, the South wanted more slave states and the North wanted more free states to increase their hold in politics and sway decisions in favor of what put them in a position for the greatest success. One important act that provoked the slavery dominated political world of 1840 to 1860 was the Kansas and Nebraska Act, composed by the highly acclaimed Democrat Stephen Douglas. This act was successful in repealing the Missouri Compromise of 1820 and called for popular sovereignty in Kansas and Nebraska which under the Missouri Compromise had been free, as dictated by federal law.The Missouri Compromise was originally an act to se ttle disputes about free states and slave states entering the Union in an attempt to keep the balance of free states and states that permitted slavery equal. To repeal this was to almost beg for revolution; hence the term â€Å"Bleeding Kansas† which included the John Brown riots and caused political and social unrest in these areas affected by the law. The Compromise of 1850 was another feeble solution to the predominate problem of run-away slaves and the recurring issue of slavery in new territories.This Compromise created stronger fugitive slave laws which satisfied Southern slave catchers and enraged Northern abolitionists. Millard Fillmore, President at the time, was inept in favoring any side and felt that this compromise would be the driving force that would keep the already fragile union together. The compromise also made California a free state, and the area won in the Mexican Cession would be subject to popular sovereignty, and lastly, dictated that there would be n o slave trade in Washington D. C. but it would remain a slave state to keep the proper balance. The weak and extremely controversial compromises would would only further split the nation on the topic of slavery and create a greater schism within the topic. From 1820 to 1860 slavery was a recurring topic in Congress and the House of Representatives. Slavery is even considered to be the cause of the Civil War and in the end, was grasped as the main reason for bloody fighting. All political issues during this time could not be discussed without the topic of slavery behind it. Read also: Theories Actually Seen in Practice in Ojt

Tuesday, July 30, 2019


  The food service industry (catering industry in British English) encompasses those places, institutions and companies that provide meals eaten away from home. This industry includes restaurants, schools and hospital cafeterias, catering operations, and many other formats, including ‘on-premises’ and ‘off-premises’ caterings (Bharathiar University, 2008). It may involve few processes before the food is ready to be served to the consumer.It is important to understand the flow of food through a foodservice system in order to determine the system. Food flows through ten possible processes such as menu planning purchasing, receiving, storing, preparing, cooking, holding, serving, cooling and reheating. But then, not all of these processes applicable for all type of food service system (University of Mississippi, 2008). Hospital food service may practise either one type of the food service system. These are conventional, centralized (commissary), ready-prepare d or assembly-serve (Unklesbay et al. 1977). The background of this study is based on hospital food service which practice centralized system. Food production plays a critical role in meeting objectives of the foodservice of the department and satisfying the expectations of customers or patients. This system is responsible for translating the menu into food in the required quantities. The nutrition value, flavors, and appearance of foods are vital tools for restoring or maintaining the health of patients and in satisfying the needs.Muda is a Japanese word which means waste (Bob Emiliani, 2002). In lean management, it listed seven wastes to be eliminated for quality improvement, cost and speed of any organisations regardless of either it is food producer, car manufacturer or even in the office. Overproduction occurs when more products was produced than is required at that time by customer. Production of large batches is common practice that leads to this muda. Overproduction is consi dered the worst muda because it hides and/or generates all the others.Overproduction leads to excess inventory, which then requires the expenditure of resources on storage space and preservation, activities that do not benefit the customer (Bob Emiliani, 2002). Study of the trend of customer number is beneficial, in order to minimize overproduction. Just In Time practice or Made-To-Order practise shall be installed in any foodservice provider since food are very susceptible to get spoiled and fresh foods are shorter shelf life. From the past study of overproduction, less researchers associating trend of number of consumer and verproduction. Their main concern are towards overproduction and wastage associated with nutrient deficiency especially in hospital food service industry. According to Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (2010), data captured from the study of trends could be use to target intervention and improvement practice from the perspective of overproduction. Afte r ten years of experience in hospital food service, Besta Corporation Sdn Bhd had found that study of trends of in-patients numbers is upmost in order to minimize overproduction.There is a pattern of in-patient number from Monday to Sunday. It depends on when the specialist or referral clinics are operated. The day of operation is different from one hospital to another. It had been found that, when those clinics operated, there is high numbers of admission, and when towards the weekend when clinics are closed, the patient number will drop due to discharge and less admission. If the trend is not properly identified, is certainly causing overproduction of foods in the hospital’s main kitchen.This proposal aims to study the importance of identifying trend of in-patient number and factors affecting to overproduction in outsource food service Ministry of Health (MOH) hospital operated by Besta Corporation Sdn Bhd in Klang Valley. To reflect the variety of trends of in-patient numb er and understand their implications for overproduction, I had selected three hospitals, which, for confidentiality reasons, I call Hospital 1, 2 and 3. These hospitals practising cook and serve system.Most menu items are prepared primarily from basic ingredients on the day they are to be served. LITERATURE REVIEW According to the 9th Malaysian Plan, approximately 45% of the solid waste collection in Malaysia is from food wastage, as compared to 24% of plastic, and 7% of paper wastage (9th Malaysian Plan, 2006). In food preparation, there are production demands that need to be met with. However, it is almost impossible to meet the exact production demand at all times due to many factors which could not be calculated or determined, hence there will always be overproduction.Overproduction is the production of more food than that is needed for service, which generates extra costs because the salvage of excess food items is not always feasible (Gregoire, MB. , 2010; Flack, KE. , 1959). This, in turn, becomes food wastage, and is deposed of as thrash. Any action performed or product made that is not paid for by a client is waste (Buckner, 2011). This also results in the loss of income, especially for the cost of the food already prepared and yet company has to bear the cost and shrink the bottom line/net profit.Therefore, leftover food must be handled diligently. Some food can be stored by refrigeration, and re-used at a later period, but some food will break down and deteriorate in quality. Due to these circumstances, guidelines with policies and procedures in handling the leftover food are prepared, well defined, and rigorously enforced in the food service sector. However, not all food items can be stored. Therefore, the only way to avoid food wastage and loss of income is to avoid overproduction in the first place.In most food service sectors, the food service managers, or the outlet managers are responsible in calculating and formulating the amount of food to b e prepared. Normally, meetings are held with the employees from the production units, and their recommendations are taken into consideration as well, in order to avoid overproduction. They are responsible in keeping production records to document the amount of food prepared, the amount of food served, and the amount leftover and disposed. Using information, future productions can be controlled and reduced.For example, the LeanPath Company has designed a program called ValuWaste (LeanPath, 2009). This program includes the incorporation of their equipments used in the kitchen, as well as weighing the food prepared, food served, and food leftover at the end of each meal. These data are then processed according to an employee recognition program for recognizing reduction in waste efforts. Many other companies have developed their own food waste management programs, and this is definitely a very good way to increase their efficiency, as well as increase profits.Importance of Data and Inf ormation Flow The word â€Å"information†, according to Ibaketo et al, (2003), comprises known knowledge, facts and ideas, data (analog or digital) that when given out or received make sense to both the sender and the receiver. The information could be written, spoken, gestured, drawn, coded, and pictorial or signals carried out over the air waves. According to Kalchschmidt, M. , 2007, collecting the information of in-patient number is beneficial, since it allows company to better analyze and understand the demand.He claimed thus collecting a wide range of data allows company to provide functional area with an in-depth demand analysis that may help to reduce uncertainty with regard to future events and define action accordingly. This in turn, can impact on company’s cost thanks. Information is useful to the organization in assisting most forecasting procedures build on the premise. However, many firms do not keep adequate records, nor have they thought through a consis tent approach to collect information (Fildes, R. , 2010).The information flow shall be efficient and fast in order to generate accurate forecast. From the literature review, I can conclude that, there is a relationship between data and information and the forecasting process in order to minimize overproduction. Importance of Forecasting Process In literacy sense, forecasting means prediction. According to Kumar, A. , 1998, forecasting may be defined as a technique of translating past experience into prediction of things to come. It tries to evaluate the magnitude and significance of forces that will be affect future operating conditions in an enterprise.Thus, demand forecasting, is an estimate of future demand. Most of the forecasts made in current operation practice in Besta Corporation Sdn Bhd overestimate demand. It is supported by Kumar, A. , 1998 claimed demand forecasting is essential for the old firms and new firms. It is much more important where the firm is engaged in large scale production and there is a long gestation period in production process. In such circumstances, an idea about future demand is necessary to avoid underproduction and overproduction.Therefore it is possible to have a forecast that will provide enough food for all patients to get what they ordered but with an increased wastage or overproduction. There are three lengths of forecasts, which are short-term forecasts, medium-term forecasts and long-term forecasts. From my point of view, the short-term forecast is the most ideal in food service hospital management. It is involve a period up to twelve months. These are useful for determining sales quotas, inventory control, production schedules, budgeting and planning cash flows (Kumar, A. , 1998). Importance of Portion ControlPortion control is important throughout food production and meal service. It involves careful menu planning and purchasing procedures, as well as accurate measuring during food production and meal service (Iowa D epartment of Education, 2011). Controlling the size portions can control food costs (Lendal et al. , 2007). Inconsistent portion size might lead to overproduction, so it is essential to develop proper portioning standards that prevent excessive waste (Karen Malody, 2011). Portion control helps in managing more effectively by reducing waste and leftover of food.Poor portion control causes overproduction. During food preparation, access to ingredients should be authorized and the amounts of ingredients taken should follow meal forecasting. Otherwise, more food ingredients are used for food preparation which leads to overproduction. The book written by Kumar, A. (1998) mentioned about the necessary of forecasting in quantity control. It shows the relationship between forecasting, portion control and overproduction. The other main cause of overproduction is in the ingredient control.Ingredient control is the major component of quality and quantity control in the production subsystem, an d a critical dimension of cost control throughout the food service system (Gregoire MB, 2010). The ingredient control is tied closely to the forecasting of the daily food production. In order to remedy this cause of overproduction, there should be a tighter control of the ingredients room, which has been dated to back in the late 1950s (Flack KE, 1959). This will restrict access to the ingredients by the cooks, or kitchen staff, and therefore allowing only the authorized amount of ingredients to be issued.This will not only help control overproduction, but also reduce labour costs, as evidence in Dougherty (1984), where it was shown that in an operation without an ingredient room, production employees spend about a third of their time determining needs, obtaining supplies, and weighing and measuring ingredients. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Although there are many research conducted about overproduction in food service industry, but there are still lack of study on overproduction in rel ation to trend of consumer number especially pertaining to hospital food service.The aim of the research is to study the trend of in-patient number and how it will contribute to overproduction of meal in outsourced hospital food service operated by Besta Corporation Sdn Bhd as supported by Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (2010). If no further action taken, inaccuracy of forecasting, inefficiency of information flow and inconsistency of portion control prolong and overproduction remain unresolved. Overproduction cause producing waste, increasing of cost and affect the profit earned. Profit is essential for the survival and growth of business enterprise (Shenoy, D. 2011). Therefore, analysing census of in-patient number and data collection of overproduce meal, assist in executing the research. PURPOSE OF THE STUDY Main objective: To study the trend of in-patient number in outsourced food service Ministry of Health hospital operated by Besta Corporation Sdn Bhd in Klang Vall ey. Specific objective: 1. To tabulate the data of time of in-patient meal order send to kitchen department. 2. To tabulate and analyse the data of in-patient meal orders from Nursing Department in each hospital involve. 3.To measure the number of serving overproduced at the tray line for each main menu item listed in menu cycle after serving time. 4. To identify the difference between the forecasted meal order for production and actual number of serving served for each of the main menu item listed in menu cycle. Inclusion criteria All the normal and therapeutic menu items listed in the three hospital menu cycle. Exclusion Criteria Children menu, vegetarian menu, western menu and any ala carte order will be excluded. Reducing overproduce meal allows organisation to save some money on commodities, labour, energy and disposal costs (LeanPath, 2008).Furthermore, by reducing waste, it helps the environment through reduce significant carbon emission and landfill disposal. According to Fi ldes et al. (2009), improved demand forecasting accuracy can lead to significant monetary savings, greater competitiveness, enhanced channel relationships and consumer satisfaction. These statement made by the researchers show how important is controlling overproduction in the financial aspect of the organisation. Portion control is one of the essential controls in production of food in quantity (Gregoire, 2010).This is to ensure that all patients receive the same quantity and quality of food, because they are all equal paying customers. In order to ensure this, the first step to be taken is to standardize all serving utensils, like plates, cups, spoons and ladles. These utensils should be then taken into consideration while planning the standardized recipes. Normally, these serving utensils are given their respective numbers, according to their serving capabilities, for example, a level measure of a number 8 disher yields eight servings per quart, with each portion measuring about ? cup (Gregoire, 2010).Therefore, each individual dish must have their own serving utensils, with a proper number, and method of serving. Only then, consistency in food serving and portioning be maintained. Often, instead of numbers, some kitchen also uses colour codes for their serving utensils, which is a method that was developed by Vollrath Company. By doing so, if the portioning requires two cups of rice, the manager can instruct the employee to use the blue ladle to serve the rice (Gregoire, 2010). THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK AND HYPOTHESIS Dependent variable: Overproduction of in-patient meal Independent variables: 1.Information flow in-patient meal order from Nursing Department 2. Forecasting of in-patient meals order 3. Portion control of in-patient meal at the assembly line Hypothesis: 1. The faster the information flow of the in-patient meal data, the lower possibility of overproduction 2. The larger the different between forecasted in-patient meal order and the actual serving of meal, the bigger number of overproduce meal occur 3. The larger number of left over meal after assembly line, the higher possibility of overproduction RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Generally, there are three types of research designs.For the purpose of this study, descriptive research is selected due to it is designed to obtain data (Hair, 2007). Under the classification of cross-sectional, data are collected at a given point in time and summarized statistically. First is data of in-patient meal order from Dietary System will be collected and tabulated in Microsoft Excel and SPSS in order to identify the trend of the in-patient number. The Dietary System is already in placed in each of these three selected hospitals as the hospitals operated through intranet system or it is called Total Hospital Information System, THIS, namely Hospital 1,2 and 3.Plus the time that the meals order indented to Kitchen Department. Second is collect and tabulate the data of forecasted in-patient meal number using Microsoft Excel and SPSS as well. Third is data collection on number of overproduced in-patient meal through these methods: 1. Visual estimation/counting After finish the serving time at ward level, the total pieces of meat, poultry or fish are counted and recorded. Those items mentioned are pre-cut and can be quantified as one piece. 2. Weighing of food itemAfter finish the serving time at ward level, for those dishes which could not be quantified into pieces or slices such as vegetables, weighing method was used to record the amount remaining. The instruments use in this study is aluminium strainer, digital food weighing scale, and food container, basting spoon, household measuring tool: rice bowl that can contain 200grams of rice. Data Analysis Descriptive statistics is used to obtain understanding of data collected. Data of trend of in-patient number will be presented in histogram, whereas, data of number of overproduced in-patient meal will be presented in bar chart.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Post-Compulsory Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Post-Compulsory Education - Essay Example It was the emphasis upon further education providing a preparation for jobs which underpinned the new vocationalism of the 1980s. However, in more recent years, the provision of a 'vocational education' has come to be recognised as a more complex matter than that of simply training students in job-specific skills. While it is true to say that General, Liberal and Social Studies appendages to post -war vocational courses were an attempt to provide students with a wider educational base to their studies, it was the BTEC curriculum introduced from the early 1980s which took the first significant steps towards a preparation for work within a broader concept of vocational education. The development of TVEI as an enhancement curriculum, of generic and core skills, and of modular course structures such as GNVQ can be seen as further evidence of some general shift towards a broader, re-focused vocationalism. The reasons behind these shifts are themselves interesting and result from analyses of the changing needs of the economy, the labour market and, in particular, the nature of work. Post -Fordist and other analyses of current and prospective transformations in Western societies have stressed a requirement for some form of 'flexible' knowledge worker within collaborative, hightrust, high-skill, work relations (Brown and Lauder, 1991) and it is with some, albeit hasty and superficial, appreciation of these requirements that curriculum development has been stimulated. I say hasty and superficial because, a high degree of uncertainty still surrounds the extent of, the directions of, and the full implications of the developments anticipated in the post -Fordist analysis. Indeed, evidence of the anticipated flatter, leaner, hierarchies is not in great abundance, at least in Britain. Moreover, the surface features of post -Fordism are largely indistinguishable from those of the 'enterprise c ulture' and, where curriculum developments do not address fundamental differences between the two, their unresolved contradictions are carried forward into course planning. 'Student-centred learning', 'autonomy', 'entitlement', 'empowerment', 'democracy' and 'citizenship', which figure prominently in recent curriculum developments, are examples of concepts in popular use in post-compulsory education whose rhetorical value is their power to legitimise and compel common assent to curriculum innovations but whose more sinister function is to obscure the need for critical examination of those innovations (Avis, 1993:13-14). Nonetheless, many of the reforms to have taken place in post-compulsory education since the early 1990s, despite the problematic nature of their underlying evidence and logic, reflect a clear and visible attempt to shift from a narrowly focused 'preparation for work' towards some notion of preparation 'for life', 'for citizenship', 'for multi-skilled work' and 'for collaborative work relationships'. While the effects of such shifts are most evident in full-time vocational courses, and to some extent in A-level programmes, they have received little or no recognition in NVQ levels 1, 2 and 3. Consequently, the once clear purpose of vocational education has become bifurcated into 'vocational education' based in some broader concepts of vocation and preparation and 'occupational training' whose primary concern is to equip learners with skills for jobs. We can say that

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Gattaca Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Gattaca - Essay Example Supported later in the late 19 th century it became a serious scientific study then failing as a science in WWII when Nazis used eugenics to support the extermination of entire races, arising then severe ethical questions regarding "the survival of the fittest." (eugenics,2007) But because the quest for perfection has always been latent in human beings and organizations, in late June 2000, the press announced that a joined project between the public and private sectors had completed the map of human genome. When the two team leaders for both sectors where interviewed about the future of human engineering and specifically about "Designer babies" by paying customers, they both laughed in unison and responded; "Mostly what people want is offspring who are good looking smart, talented in one way or another and easy to get along with. The day when such complexities could be managed is not just a long way off, it will probably never arrive for a simple reason; Genes are not alone in determ ining such characteristics; the same genes in a different environment will yield a different personality."

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Business law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 18

Business law - Essay Example This move to liquidate the company led to the case at hand since the unsecured creditors claimed that the company did not clear its debts before it became insolvent. Salomon claimed that he did not owe anyone since the company is a separate legal person as indicated in the company rules thus no shareholder is responsible for any debts of the company. The creditors filed a case against Salomon claiming that although the company had been incorporated Salomon held almost all the shares thus he should be responsible for the debts by the company. The court discredited these assumptions since the incorporation was proper and abide by the company’s rule thus the number of shareholders did not change the fact that this was a limited company and no longer a sole proprietorship. This was one of the most heated cases at the close of the 19th century, but Lord Mac-Naghten claimed that the law governing the limited companies had to be followed. He stated that in any company’s liquidation, the creditors should be given preferential claims of assets but since this was not the case in the liquidation of the company. The law at the time did not state anything of the sort, and the debenture holders had claimed everything from the liquidation (Campbell, 2007). This rule is under Companies Act section 6 formed in 1862. It claims that seven or more people can join and form a company under it. This rule was made to end frauds from unregistered limited companies (Campbell, 2007). This law states that a limited company is a separate legal person can sue or be sued. This means that any malicious activity or fraud cases associated with the company, the plaintiff can only sue the company but not the shareholders. The company is also mandated to sue anyone violating its rights, since this rule has made it an artificial person who is recognized by the law. Over the years, the Companies Act has been amended to ensure that the shareholders and directors of the companies

Friday, July 26, 2019

The analysis of Young goodman Brown Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The analysis of Young goodman Brown - Essay Example For instance, he introduces Young Goodman Brown, whose name is allegorical in several manners. In addition, this is the title that he gives this narration, which is also a significant part in this narration. There are three allegories in this protagonist’s name that have individual meanings. First, there is the name Young, which seems to suggest the innocence of his character. However, this innocence is later corrupted by several factors that surround this protagonist. The second name is Goodman and is equally significant in an allegorical manner. Careful analysis of this narration reveals that there are few righteous deeds in this narration hence some irony (Neary 445). Consequently, the wife of the protagonist has an allegorical name: Faith. This name suggests hope for several significant things in the narration. In addition, the protagonist needs faith in order to survive the journey he takes through the forest. Consequently, Faith acts as a guardian to the protagonist throughout the narration. Further, Faith is his wife hence presenting a physical guide in the material world, which they live in. In particular, she pleads with the protagonist not to take the evil journey, which would later compromise his spirituality (Hoffman 98). The forest represents all the evil in the narration by Hawthorne because of its components. For instance, it has such tings as trees and wild animals that are synonymous of evil. According to Xian-chun(56) the forest is similar to the mind of the protagonist who struggles to fight evil. In addition, his mind has similar uncertainties to the ones, which people experience in any forest. Traditionally, forests are dark because of the overlapping of trees and other plantations. Similarly, Brown’s mind is dark since it has. Evidently, this forest is ruled by the devil like Brown’s mind, which compromises his spiritual actions

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Although consideration is often referred to as the 'badge of Essay

Although consideration is often referred to as the 'badge of enforceability' for a contract in English law, in assessing the - Essay Example However, under the doctrine of promissory estoppels, any party can recover what it has rightfully earned, or the value of detriment suffered by reliance on the agreement, even if a court decides there is no legal contract (MacMillan & Stone, 2013 p.27). Thus, consideration forms one of the fundamental elements of a legally binding agreement, and is often referred to as the ‘badge of enforceability’ for a contract in English law. However, in assessing the validity of a variation in the terms of an existing contract, consideration is but one line of argument. This is because: Consideration is regarded by the English courts as the principle way of determining the existence of a contract (MacMillan & Stone, 2013 p.34). The significance of consideration as a vital aspect of a contract in English law is that; it is through the existence of consideration, that the other essential elements of a legally binding agreement are fulfilled. ... However, while this aspect is a principal requirement in the English contract law, there are further assessments that might be made; in spite of the mere fact that consideration really existed in the contractual agreement, which then nullifies the agreement as unenforceable. Therefore, while consideration forms a fundamental building block as far as the English contract law is concerned, it has emerged that it is not indispensable, and thus there are circumstances under which the courts can regard a contractual agreement that did not entail consideration to be legally binding, while also nullifying a contractual agreement that involved consideration as unenforceable in law (Gillies, 1988 p.72). This simply means that, despite the fact that consideration is a cardinal requirement in the English contract law, it must be interpreted in the context of other principles of a binding contract, and thus consideration is but one line of argument. First, despite the fact that consideration cou ld really exist in a contractual agreement, there is limitation offered to the concept of consideration, which states that past consideration is not consideration (Busch, 2005 p.33). This legal requirement then makes consideration but one line of argument; because it clearly shows that the mere existence of consideration is not sufficient to make an agreement legally binding, since if consideration is past, the contractual agreement will be regarded unenforceable, despite the existence of the consideration (Schulze, 2007 p.49). This principle has been established and demonstrated in various case laws, which has served to show that consideration is a

Management of change (Reflection) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Management of change (Reflection) - Essay Example I was very excited because this gave me an opportunity to have first-hand experience in working in the finance department. The first day was overwhelming since I was still adjusting to my role. I was too scared and did not understand how to go about fixing problems. In the course of the simulation, I was able to identify an area that I excelled in the process of managing change. I could identify areas that need change. For example, previously writing on invoices manual on paper. I was able to identify this shortcoming and introduce E-invoicing. That was a change that was welcome since no one wants to use paper. Management of change is all about timing. In the event that I noticed a shortcoming, I was quick to respond. The decision-making in the event of a need for change is an area that I noticed that I was good in ensuring effective management of change. Helping other employees in the process and adapting to change was another area I was effective in. I could take up helping other employees that met difficulties in the change process, which is necessary to ensure that the company moved forward as a whole. Accepting the possibility of making mistakes is also necessary for the change process. I noticed my lack of composure in the event of any change as a shortcoming. The new responsibilities bestowed upon me overwhelmed me. I reacted by avoiding the problem presented in the event of change. I found myself running away from the problems on the first day . I avoided tasks that needed a lot of concentration This was a sign of weakness and resistance to change. Being good at decision-making and deciding when and how to change things in the wake of a change was an area I was good. This is in the case of introduction of E-invoicing Problem-solving ability in managing change in the event that the invoice clearing was not on time and offering a solution was a strong point. I was also good at accepting challenges.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Personal Debt Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Personal Debt Management - Essay Example ategy, but this was not the case because the debts were piling up and interest raised to unexpected amounts and this prompted me to have a debt repayment plan. It has helped me in keeping my expenditures and incomes in line, and I have reduced the amount I borrow and spend to pay for my necessities. Prior to having a debt management plan I would receive calls from my debtors every time because I was not able to make timely repayments and this would really disturb me since I had not learnt how to manage my finances. I would have my credit cards rejected when paying for food and other necessities, and this was because managing my finances was a hard task. The debt management plan has enabled me to manage my finances and now I can live comfortably knowing that all my debts will be paid on time without having to bring me discomforts and disappointments (Garman & Forgue, 2011). Currently I have debts from 3 sources, and they are my college loan, which amounts to $18,000, rent money, which amounts to $3000 and a medical bill of $500. To see that I ensure that my debt management plan gets me out of debt I actively engage in behavioral steps, which will see me out of debt. The first step I will undertake is to figure out my spending patterns and eliminate the unnecessary expenses which are bound to increase my debts. I will write down every expense regardless of how small it is, and this will help me in identifying my fixed and variable costs. After this, I will tally the expenses with my income, and this will be helpful in curbing my expenses since i will be able to eliminate the unnecessary costs. The next step will be to consider the amount I get from boosting my income through other income generating activities, and this will help me in knowing my surplus. The next step I will take is to make a list of all my debts and the interests they accrue, and this will help me in lightening my load debt. To practically implement this, I will use the basics of debt reduction,

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Frank Sinatra's Contribution to Elevating Las Vegas to its Current Essay

Frank Sinatra's Contribution to Elevating Las Vegas to its Current Status - Essay Example His professional career as musician spans over 60 years throughout which he has displayed a â€Å"remarkable ability to maintain his appeal and pursue his musical goals despite often countervailing trends† (Sinatra). However, his biggest contributions came in the state of Nevada, the city of Las Vegas. When Vegas was not the glamorous metropolis in the desert it is today, early casinos such as the Sahara and The Desert Inn relied on the star power of their headlining performers to bring guests into their door. However, mainly it is Frank Sinatra’s fabulous and captivating songs hits such as â€Å"Summer Wind† and â€Å"My Way,† with his irrefutable talent and ability to mesmerize an audience, which has led to Las Vegas’ enviable rise to fame. The legend was brought up in Hoboken, New Jersey, where he attended Demarest High School. After his graduation, he enrolled for journalism classes and later became a cub sports reporter. His mother, with her do mineering and stubborn nature, encouraged him to sing in a band. Subsequently, after a while, she got him a job, which would broadcast his talents through the WNEW station. He married Nancy Barbato in 1939 and had three children with her. During the time, he met the Frank Mane band by whom he signed a one year contract of performing together. This was the beginning of his career and he made his first recording with this band, performing the song â€Å"Our Love.† Once the contract was over, Frank coupled up with Henry James’s band in his bid to make himself a name in the music industry. With his hard work and enthusiasm, he recorded ten songs along with this band under the labels- Brunswick and Columbia. Then he received overtures from Tommy Dorsey to become a member of his band Frank realized that perhaps this was the break that he was looking for and he accepted the offer happily. Fortunately for him, this venture got him into the movie â€Å"Las Vegas Nights.† Besides, as another stroke of good luck, he was also able to top the charts for twelve weeks with the song â€Å"I’ll never smile again.† The Billboard and Downbeat magazines, which were dominant authorities in music ratings, featured him with high ranks among the singers of that period. He was really rising to fame, achieving so much in such short time. Within a span of just three years, 23 of his songs were among the top ten on Billboard. He then left the Dorsey band and started solo music. By this time he had acquired thousands of fans, known as ‘Bobby Soxers.’ When he made an appearance in the Paramount theatre, everyone got so wild that the crowd was literally uncontrollable. Next in Sinatra’s agenda came his debut at the Hollywood Bowl and Madison Square Garden, when he was under the contract of Columbia Records. It is relevant to note here that when a person attain certain level of a celebrity status, the town or city he hails from or lives in, also becomes a center of attraction for the masses as well as media. Thus, Sinatra’s fame also began to make Las Vegas a place of attraction. Celebrities like Gregory Peck has endorsed that Sinatra and his band need to be credited for the everlasting â€Å"sense of free-floating fun and frolic that captured the imagination of the world† (Weatherford par. 4). On the other hand, Lt Gov Lorrain Hung claims that â€Å"

Monday, July 22, 2019

A Summary of Quines Problems with Carnaps Philosophy Essay Example for Free

A Summary of Quines Problems with Carnaps Philosophy Essay In his Two Dogmas of Empiricism, Quine addresses what he views as problematic claims made by Carnap. The first problem Quine has with Carnaps epistemology is about his definition of state-descriptions. The problem is in two parts: first Quine says that Carnaps version of analyticity is conditional, because it requires atomic sentences in a language to be mutually independent. The second part of the problem is that, Carnaps attempt to explore analyticity by way of his state-descriptions results in a problematic definition of analyticity, which ends up being more indicative of logical truth. In conclusion, Quine presents a solution to his problems with Carnap positing that the boundary between synthetic and analytic is imagined. In his attempt to define analyticity Quine encounters a problematic attempt at defining the term, by Carnap. Carnap has tended to explain analyticity by appeal to what he calls state-descriptions(195). Carnaps state-descriptions are problematic for two reasons; one reason is that a statement is explained as analytic when it comes out true under every state description(195), this necessitates every atomic sentence to be mutually independent- meaning that two statements that mean the same thing are supposed to exist as two completely separate meanings. However, as Quine points out this would mean there would be a state-description which assigned truth to John is a bachelor and falsity to John is married, and consequently All bachelors are married would turn out synthetic rather than analytic under the proposed criterion(195). This truth gives rise to the second problem of Carnaps state-descriptions, that analyticity as it refers to state-descriptions only works for languages that do not contain synonymous words such as bachelor and unmarried. So, Quine submits that Carnaps state-descriptions are indicative of logical truth, not of analyticity. To generalize, these problems that Quine has with Carnaps philosophical system equate to a single point of disagreement, that there is an absolute distinction between analytic and synthetic. Quine points to our pragmatic inclinations to adjust one strand of the fabric of science rather an another in accommodating some particular recalcitrant experience(207). Quine believes that Carnaps drawing a distinction between analytic and synthetic points to our quest for simplicity in science, possibly deriving from a deconstructionist belief that everything can be equated to simplified smaller elements that make up a whole. Quine challenges Carnaps methodology as well as his philosophical system. To conclude, Quine notes that he understands the philosophical approach attempted by philosophers like Lewis, and Carnap, but does not think that it is a beneficial one. Total science, mathematical and natural and human, is similarly but more extremely underdetermined by experience. The edge of the system must be kept squared with experience(207). Carnaps constructed language is a scientific one, and since science is based on our experience, when Carnap attempts to encompass our world using his language with strict rules, he does an injustice to sciences close relationship to experience, making his language based on the rules of arithmetic instead. Finally, Quine points to Carnaps employment of pragmatism as one that comes up short, and does not justify the strict division between synthetic and analytic. Their pragmatism leaves off at the imagined boundary between the analytic and the synthetic. In repudiating such a boundary I espouse a more thorough pragmatism(207). Quine feels that the division between synthetic and analytic has been too hastily assumed, and that a more thorough approach to the relationship would be helpful. He believes that the boundary between analytic and synthetic is too harshly drawn, and that the difference is only in degrees. He asks Carnap to suppress his foundations in our traditional scientific method and suggests that sometimes it is not always pragmatism that shapes our perception.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Tudor Revolution in Henry Viii

Tudor Revolution in Henry Viii After the Tudor dynasty English government and kingship was never the same. The way the kings power switched from a Medieval system of hierarchy his control over his land was limited, to rule he needed support of the nobility and church and his parliament ineffective to an oligarchical government where the kings influenced penetrated his land, his nobility and within the government the power of the nobility shrank and the church became a secular concern. Government modernised through the centralisation of power and royal supremacy would rule. Parliaments importance would be re-invented and reforms to administration, law and justice, sovereignty and church power could be described as a revolution in government which under Henry VIIIs reformation of the church brought new opportunities for the consolidating of royal power. Cromwell reforms in the 1530s appear to be the turning point  [1]  . Although to say royal supremacy was an achievement, to say it occurred within the space of o ne decade seems restrictive and to say one man reformed a national government seems to simplistic, but looking at Henrys reign post-Cromwell Henry seemed more interested in his love life and war than gaining further reforms. Also Edward VI and Mary Is rules brought the return of factionalism, the return of power to the nobility and a decline in an effective government and Elizabeth, however, may have ruled stronger than her siblings the crown was never quite the same after Henry VIII died  [2]  , considering the damaged inflicted and the rising threat of the gentry and Puritanism which restricted her abilities to passstatueo prove that if there was a Tudor revolution, it must have happened under Cromwell. However, were Henrys and Cromwells reforms really a revolutionary? Hoak claims the rise of royal supremacy was emittable  [3]  but Elton, the theorist who invented the concept of the Tudor revolution believes although ideas may have been present, he remained the man who tur ned ideas into reality  [4]  , but surely this is admits if not him then someone else would have done it? Throughout this essay I will examine the areas of reforms instigated under Cromwell and Henry VIII as previous mentioned and examine whether they brought revolutionary change or were an obvious step towards secularisation. If there was a revolution in government it is necessary to look at the effects of the reformation on government control as the centralisation of the church was the first real break from Medieval tradition and ignited the want for royal supremacy. The church was the centre of life for the English population of all social rankings and therefore was the real center of power and whos alignments rested not with the king but with a foreigner power, the pope. The church had a separate court for which the kings power was exult  [5]  and bishops like Worsley had direct influence in the running of the government, and its law system and corruption within the church was greater than in government as Skeleton notes people did not come to court because there was better profit in attending cardinals rival court  [6]  . The church was a rival government within a government, it seems logical that to bring it under state control and historically, very much like the actions of Constantine the G reat, kingship has been restored to its full inheritance and endowed with the authority of the early Christian emperors  [7]  , however, although ironically it was a step back to go forward, how is learning from history revolutionary? The fact the backlash received from the nobility and populas was due to the feeling the church had too much land and power and disdain for the influence that a foreign body had within England  [8]  , suggest it was not such a radical idea as some made out to be, suggesting that others had contemplated it before. From this we can see a reformation of the church also caused a reformation of politics, but not necessarily a revolution. The break with the church inspired the idea of sovereignty and of commonwealth but where these new concepts? The idea of sovereignty of a unified self-governing free state, away from the authority of any sovereign potentates  [9]  appears certainly as a revolutionary in the history of English ruler-ship and as Elton suggests would have been the main driving forced spurring revolutionary change  [10]  as sovereignty consolidated Henrys land and government under Henrys control. Both Henry and Cromwell believed the House of Commons had to represent the whole nation  [11]  for the first time the entire nation would be under Westminsters control. The eliminated other small rivals courts those in Buckinghamshire and Sheffield  [12]  and brought Wales and northern counties under the kings rule for the first time, i.e. places like Durham  [13]  through Cromwell uses of councils and the influence of parliament in all the kingdom, i.e. even Calias had two seats in parliament  [14]  . Of course if under the control of parliament laws would be easier to enforce, regulate and to put the most loyal in control. On the other hand, this idea perhaps again is nothing but new, as Edward III during the Hundred Wars Year had created a national nobility and joined the country against the free of the French  [15]  , Henry and Cromwell likewise could have used the situation of the reformation to unite England using the same mentality against the Catholic church. The shifting use of power and effectiveness of parliament, however, does not seemed copied from the pages of history. Parliament Elton argues Henry VIIIs turning to parliament proved his supreme political genius; that his deliberate decision to take the nation â€Å"into partnership‚ was the most momentous step in the rise of parliament  [16]  , for Elton sovereignty created a duty and purpose for Parliament, however, it it seems Henry used parliament as a propaganda tool to promote the acceptance of change and show the link between the king and people  [17]  as Henrys supremacy was dependent on divine appointment and not parliament. However, from an administrative point of view Henry hereafter had a greater control over his kingdom, but parliament did not restrict Henrys decisions. This seems to point towards less of a governmental revolution and more towards a despotic government, historians like Gardiner have alleged Cromwell used his power more as an autocratic weapon  [18]  and Pollard portrays Cromwell especially like some Machveillian monster  [19]  , which both suggest the real intentions of Henry and Cromwells government. However, perhaps this could be interpreted as the Tudor revolution, considering other historic despotic governments, like Communist Russia, although a modern comparison, it was still a revolution of politics and considering politically, socially and economically almost resembled a Medieval state, it does become a fair comparison. Regardless of this parliament became an effective organ of government and brought reforms to the law and juridical system, the church and administration. Cromwells administration produced the largest body of statues seen before the 19th Century  [20]  , most centred on the church and many laws were to do with kings affairs i.e. Henry VIII passed 81 bills in his interest, though considering he was trying to legitimise a marriage to Ann Boleyn, its hardly surprising, but none the less a groundbreaking swift from Medieval politics. However, Roskel believes parliament developed from its Medieval roots and that by a natural process (the need for secularisation perhaps) and not the product of a Tudor revolution as the only change was a new theory of parliament and in the process drastically altered the practice  [21]  . The perfect example of this is the Privy council and demonstrates the need to remove the problems of factions and power which the nobility held. The Privy council had existed before Henry and Cromwell but the way it was used differed greater. The council would be an important link between parliament and the king and power came down only to those the king choose and old knightly elements were reduced to a few significant roles. The number of members decreased and meant those in power could not and made it easier to pass laws and to avoid factions, i.e. Henry VIIs council of 1472 included 72 men, whereas Henrys first had only 19  [22]  and members now had to have worked within the government before they could be in the council  [23]  , therefore this new system would exclude the majority of the nobility who might only serve their own interests. This can certainly be viewed as a revolutionary change, like the church the nobility was another thorn in the side of many English kings, although the council cut out the use of the nobility it was not a political instrument for assuaging opposition  [24]  , concessions still had to be made and therefore could not be completely revolutionary as the nobility were key important in keeping regional control. The most significant change perhaps was that the council could pass laws by proclamation and unlike its European counterparts in Spain and France who could only advise the king  [25]  , whereas the English privy council was able to influence and intervene the kings decisions, this reflects a comprising relationship where although Henry had royal supremacy he did not have a complete free reign over policy which shows policy being built on the existing governments foundations which lead to the improvement of the common law and the function of parliament  [26]  , but were these improvements revolutionary? Henrys reign was built on law and reforms to the common law and the judicial system from the 1530s onward they began to obey statue in a way they had never done before  [27]  , for the first time on a national level the process by which parliament made laws and court administrated them was enforced throughout the land. From 1532 for the first time the government conceived legalisation became the new focus in the houses, this was something which Elton says no one ever dreamt of establishing  [28]  changes in the law through Parliament, this was truly revolutionary. This shift towards the creating and then enforcing on law was something which had not happened under Medieval governments. Henry had control over both religious and regional courts, he had the ability to appoint judges and juries and unlike any other point made it seems a decision that was not emittable or the result of natural change as there had been no demand for a stricter enforcement of the law. Changes within the administration system also could be described as revolutionary. Administration benefited hugely from Cromwells policies and the outcome of the reformation. The change of law lands over church properties brought plenty of money into the The crowns new revenue courts showed the move towards the elimination of purely personal in favour of lasting bureaucratic control  [29]  . Henry said wherein we as head and you members are conjured and knit together into one body of politic  [30]   basically organic view of state in harmony and mutually dependent on its subjects. Although idea around since Dudleys Tree of Commonwealth (1509) and practised by Henry VII though Cromwell brought a renewed vigour in the practice.

Local Area Network Protocol Standards Information Technology Essay

Local Area Network Protocol Standards Information Technology Essay Local area network referred to a network that works inside a building such as office, company and home office. LAN are used in small geographical area. LAN is capable in transferring data in a very fast speed that can up to 10Mbps in limited network distance. There are two types of network architecture that can be implemented in the local area network, peer-to-peer networking and client-server networking. The common types of connections that used in LAN are Ethernet and Token Ring. LAN Standards and Protocols Each network has its own rules and standards. Therefore, protocols are use in network technology to govern the communication between network and network. There are many different kinds of protocols, the most common protocol used in the OSI data link layer in LAN are Ethernet and Token Ring. Ethernet Ethernet is the most well-known type of local area network that most widely installed in offices, home offices and companies. The standard of an Ethernet is IEEE 802.3. Ethernet normally are used coaxial cable and sometimes different grades of twisted-pair cable as the transmission medium. Token Ring Token Ring is a network that connects computers in a star or ring topology. It is originally developed by IBM Company. There will have a token ring that passed through the network to allow computers to access the network. The standard for Token Ring network is IEEE 802.5. A token bit will move around the ring from computer to another computer. If the computer wants to transmit a data, the data will attach to the token and pass to the next computer. It has to keep passing through computers in the network until it comes to the destination. If the computer doesnt want to transmit any data, the token ring will just pass to the next computer. Ethernet Token Ring Advantages Cost Effective Flexible to use in star and bus topologies Simplicity of installation Scalable, support upgrade Allow packets to take turns to transmit, avoid collision. Disadvantages System will down during the heavy traffic in the network. Needs proper network planning before installed. Difficult to install. Not cost effective. Justification After comparing both Ethernet and Token Ring, I had chosen Ethernet as the LAN protocol for the network. The very main reason of using Ethernet is because of its availability and popularity in todays network system. Secondly, it is simple to install and its scalability support upgrades in future. This is very important for the company as the company is still developing and probably will be adding more workers in the future. Thirdly, the speed of Ethernet is fast and can support transfer speed from 1Mbps up to 100Mbps. Wide Area Network (WAN) Wide area network referred to a network that connecting multiples of LAN network together in a wide range. The distance range of a WAN can be between country and country. A very good example of WAN is the Internet. WAN are connected using a router. A router can help to choose the most suitable path for a connection to reach to the destination. WAN are categorised into two main ways which is circuit switching and packet switching. Circuit Switching Circuit Switching is a connection will be establish between 2 network nodes before they can start transmitting data. The bandwidth is only dedicated for the particular connection. The connection will be terminated after the data transmission ends. Examples for circuit switching are the telephone networks. Packet Switching In packet switching, data is broken up into packets before transmitted to the destination. There is a destination address and sequencing information in every packet. When reaching at destination node, the packets need to be reassembled. Justification Leased lines will be used in the proposed network. Leased lines normally are used in private networks. Advantages of using a leased line is because it is dedicated for private use only, people from other network will not have the chance to access the leased line. The disadvantage of using leased lines is it is very expensive compare to other WAN standards. Therefore, the transferring speed when connect each office in WAN is very fast and reliable. Leased lines connection is available 24 hours every day. Therefore, it is very suitable to Internet Connection In order of to connect the users to the Internet in the network, we need to have an internet connection to access the Internet. In here, I choose Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line (SDSL) for the company. SDSL provides the equal bandwidth for downstream and upstream for the connection. This is very suitable for business companies because they have big usage on uploading information to the Internet and also download information from the Internet. Here, we used T1 line which is 1.54Mbps with the SDSL for the internet connection of the company. SDSL will require a modem in order to connect to the Internet. The modem will be provided by the local service provider. Networks Architecture Peer to peer networking Peer to peer networking is defined as a type of network in which each workstation has equivalent capabilities and responsibilities (, 2010). Small Scale Peer to peer networking is a network architecture which designed for small scale business that can support 10-15 numbers of users. Therefore, if the company is having a plan to upgrade the network in the future, peer to peer networking definitely is not suitable for the company. Resource Sharing Secondly, peer to peer networking doesnt have the ability of sharing files, printers, projectors and etc. Therefore, if the company uses peer to peer networking, they probably have issues on resources sharing. Data Redundancy Thirdly, as in terms of peer, means there is no centralized server for the network, each computer works as individual. As a result, it is difficult for user to retrieve data and synchronize data as the data are stored separately at different computers. Advantages Disadvantages No dedicated administrator. No security on the network No dedicated server required.   No centralization on network Each workstation has individual resources.   Limited numbers of user. Cost effective Too many passwords to remember Client-server networking Client-server describes a type of computer application architecture within network computing that designates tasks between clients that instigate requests and servers that process requests. (, 2010) Centralization In client-server networking, information are stored in a centralized server and allows ten computers or above to access them and share information throughout the network. Centralization also makes the finding of resources easier as all the resources are stored in a centralized server. Scalability Scalability is also one of the important fact in client-server network. Using this architecture, the network is able to scale to a certain numbers of users and also can expand in the future if needed. Security Thirdly, security is no more an issue in client-server networking because only qualified user with valid login username and password can access to the system. Advantages Disadvantages Scalability can support upgrade. Not cost effective due to the high price of server. Higher efficiency and optimization. Dependability on server. If any point of the server fails, the system will be facing failure. Centralised network, resources, users are control through the server. Need to maintain by high skill technician, hence higher maintenance fees. Flexibility, new technology can be integrated into the network easily. Will be suffering from congestion during heavy traffic. Justification After comparing both peer-to-peer networking and client-server networking, the architecture that would best suits the company is client-server networking. Considering the company is still growing and probably having expansion of networking in the future, the number of staffs in the company in the range of 35-40 users, the scalability, flexibility, centralization and security characteristic of client-server network are the best choice. Topology Star Topology The star topology is the most common network topology that most home and office are using. Computer and other devices in star topology are connected to the center and attached on a small device called the central hub. The central hub plays the role of a switch to control the flow from the source machine to the destination machine. The central can either be a hub, router or switch. Mesh Topology Every computer and device in this topology will have a dedicated link to each device. They are connected using point-to-point. If a network has n device, then the network will have n (n-1)/2 link connected to each device. Bus Topology Bus topology is a network that connects all computers in a single backbone. The backbone functions as a sharing platform where all devices in the network can use the backbone to transfer data. Ring Topology In ring topology, computers and devices are connected with the device on the both side of it and forms a ring shape. A signal will be passed along the ring shape in only one direction from one to another till it reaches its destination. The device in the ring topology incorporates with a repeater to regenerate the signal and passed them through the network. Topology Cable Media Advantages Disadvantages Star Twisted Pair Fiber Optic Easy to install because of its simplicity. Easy to install, replace or remove computers or other devices during expansion When one node fails, it wont affect the other nodes. Fully dependent on the central hub, when the hub fails the whole network will fail. Need a lot of cabling to connect many computers. Mesh Twisted Pair Coaxial Has dedicated link to each computer Easy to identify the fault node. Lack of centralization. Data redundancy at each computer. Bus Twisted Pair Coaxial Fiber Optic Less cabling Low cost Easy to extend System will slow down during heavy network traffic If the back bone failed, it will affect the whole system Ring Twisted Pair Easy in installing or reconfiguring If one node fails, the whole network will be affected Difficult to add new nodes to the network. Difficulty in troubleshooting. Justification In this assignment, we were asked to determine a suitable topology that the ICT Resources Malaysia Public Limited Company will be need within the office. Therefore, after doing a lot of researches in network topologies, we finally decided to choose star bus hybrid topology as the companys topology. Hybrid topology Hybrid topologies basically is a topology which combines two type or more than two types of basic topology and inherits their advantages and make it more powerful and usable compare to using only one type of topology. Advantages Disadvantages Hybrid topology are customize designed to meet the requirement of the network. Nodes in the network can be expanded and removed easily. Combines the simplicity and fault tolerance from bus and star topologies. Can find out the failed node when a node is not working and carried out diagnostic test without affect the other part of the network. Some specific device in hybrid topology might not suitable to use in other network topology and they become not reusable. Transmission Medium Transmission media allows a connection between sender and receiver. Transmission medium are categorized into two main categories which is guided media and unguided media. Twisted pair cable Twisted pair cable is a type of wire that twists together in pairs. The reason why the cable is being twisted together is to decrease the electromagnetic interference and noise that affect the data transmission along the cable. Twisted pair cable has two different categories, Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) and Shielded Twisted Pair (STP). Coaxial Cable Coaxial cable is a type of cable that contains a copper conductor in the center. It also has a metal foil layer and braid which both is covered by an outer conductor. The metal foil layer helps to block interference that will affect the cable. The coaxial cable carries a higher frequency signal compares to twisted pair cables. Coaxial cables are categorized by the radio government rating which called the RG numbers. Fiber Optic Cable Fiber optic cables have glass conductors in its center. Fiber optic cables use light to transmit data instead of using electricity signal. It uses reflection to guide light travels along the channel. Fiber optic has two propagation mode, single mode and multi-mode. Multi-mode has two forms which are step index and graded index. Twisted Pair Coaxial Fibre Optic Frequency 100Hz-5MHz 100Khz-500MHz Bandwidth 4mbps 100mbps 10Mbps- 600Mbps Up to 2Gbps Advantages Reduce noise and cross talks Cost effective Readily available Flexible Lighter weight compare to other media. Easy to install Higher bandwidth Less vulnerable to interference than twisted pair Resistance to noise Less signal attenuation Higher Bandwidth Disadvantages Vulnerable to signal distortion. Low bandwidth. Expensive to purchase Bulky compared to twisted pair. Very expensive. Difficulty in installation or maintenance Need skillful technician for maintenance. Fragility- Glass fiber inside the cable are easily broken Justification UTP and Fibre Optic Cable are chosen for this network. The fibre optic cable will use as the back bone for the Ethernet and the UTP will be used as connecting the machines and devices in the network. The reason fiber optic cables are used as the back bone in Ethernet because it has a very high bandwidth. In bus topology, the bandwidth of the backbone will decrease during heavy traffic; therefore if using fiber optic cables, the bandwidth will increase and wont decrease easily. Fiber optic cable is highly security and not affect by electromagnetic interference. For the UTP, its weight is lighter compare to STP because it doesnt have the outer shield. Secondly, it is cost effective than using coaxial cable. Besides that, UTP has high availability in the market. When the cables are broken, replacement cable can be purchased from the market easily. Servers File Server File server is a central storage of a network. It provides access control for user to access files, folder in a same network. User can share files and information without physically transfer using USB drive or portable hard disk. FTP Server File transfer protocol server is one of the oldest of the Internet service. It provides security and transfer control in transferring files. Web Server Provide web access and web storage to the users on the network. Application Server Application server acts as a middleware of the back-end application of the network and the front-end user. It allows users access the applications which stored in the database. Print Server Print server allows users in a network to share printers. User can use any printer in the network to print files instead of connecting every computer with a printer. This will reduce the cost to buy printers. Database Server Database server is a server that stores database for a company in a server. Database servers do job such as analyzing data, data storage, data manipulation and etc. Email Server Email server responsible in receiving emails from the network and send out the email to the receivers in another network. Email servers use SMTP (Simple Main Transfer Protocol) and POP3 (Post Office Protocol) when sending and receiving email. Protocols There are 5 protocols that I choose to apply in the network: HTTP Hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) is a protocol that used in accessing data in the Internet. It transfers information such as image, hypertext, audio, video and etc. It used the service of TCP to transfer information. HTTP is used in the application layer of the OSI model. DHCP Dynamic host control protocol is a protocol that will auto assigning dynamic IP address to the machines on the network. When a computer connects to the network, it will send a request to the DHCP Server and ask for IP assigning. Then the server will send an offer to the machine then the machine will accept the IP. The machine is then connected to the network. IP Internet Protocol is the most common protocol that used in the Internet. It is used in the network layer in the OSI model. Its job is to send data from one computer to another. Data are broken into packet and every packet contains a header and its own information. TCP TCP is a protocol that allows two hosts to make a connection and transferring data. It also guarantees the transfer of data packets and make sure they arrived at destination in the same order like they were sent out. It is in the transport layer of the OSI model. ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) is a protocol that used to test the response of destination. LAN Diagram WAN Diagram Floor Plan Ground Floor The departments that located in the ground floor are the Human Resource Department and the Sales and Marketing Department. The human resource department has 4 workers whereas the sales and marketing department has 6 workers. There are two printers in this floor. First floor First Floor The CEO and secretary room is located at the 1st floor. The server room of the network also located at the 1st floor. There are two other departments in this floor which are Operation Department and Financial Department. Each of the departments has six workers. There are two printers in this floor. Second Floor At the second floor, there are customer service department and IT department. Customer service department has 3 workers and IT Department has 6 workers. Limitation Security Although the network has a firewall to prevent network attack from hackers, it is still not good enough to fully blocking hackers from attacking the network. Therefore, the security of the network s Performance Performance of this network will be affected by the switches in the star topology. If the switches failed, the department will be affected. The performance of the network also will be affected by the backbone of the bus. Gantt chart

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Gulivers Travels Part Two :: Free Essays

After only a brief stay with his family, Gulliver returns to the sea as a surgeon. The ship is blown off course by a storm in the Pacific Ocean east of Japan and a shore party in an unknown country abandons Gulliver. He finds himself in Brobdingnag where the inhabitants are sixty feet tall. After being captured and exhibited for money by a farmer, Gulliver becomes a prized possession of the royal court. One of the two main story lines in his part is Gulliver's many misadventures due to his size; menaced by wasps, a frog, birds, a monkey, and a jealous court dwarf. The other thread centers on Gulliver's interviews with the King, who questions him about all aspects of the rest of the world. Gulliver recounts these discussions to show the King's "narrow" understanding but instead proves the King's judgment to be very sharp. After hearing the state of affairs in Europe, he concludes we are a "Race of little odious Vermin." Gulliver escapes when an eagle carries away his box and drops him into the sea where he is rescued by an English ship and returned home. Some very important themes that the reader may have picked up on can be very helpful. One of these themes is that no matter How small something is, it is not inferior. Gulliver stayed with the Lilliputians for a very long time. The fact that they were only six Inches tall did not mean that he could do anything he wanted around or to them. Another theme that the reader should have got is that no matter how large something is; it still has to have a small amount of brains. The giants in the second part were very tall, but nowhere did the book say that they were very smart. There was a large amount of satire to be observed in this section of the novel.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Abraham of Chaldea Essay -- Biographies Religion Essays

Abraham of Chaldea Abraham : From the Bible The following is a narrative description on the life and times of one of the most powerful characters in the Old Testament. Abraham was indeed a man of God in a time where few men believed in the One true God. Through many triumphs and errors, he always returned to God to lead him back to his calling. His dedication resulted in great promises from God that were eventually fulfilled and affect each of our lives today. His story is our story. Abraham was a native of Chaldea, and a ninth generation descendant of Shem, the son of Noah. He was born on the southern tip of the Tigris and Uuphrates rivers in the city of Ur around 2161BC.1 Before his name was changed to Abraham, his name was Abram. When Abram was about seventy years of age he moved with his family to live in Haran. The reason he moved was because "The God of glory appeared to our father Abram when he was in Mesopotamia, before he lived in Haran, and said to him, "Depart from your country and your relatives, and come into the land that I will show you." 2 While in Haran, Abram's father died and God spoke to him again saying, "Go forth from your country, and from your relatives and from your father's house, to the land which I will show you." 3 He obeyed and left Haran with his brother Nahor's family and his Nephew Lot without really knowing where he was going. At this time, God did not reveal to him he was going to Canaan. God only told him "the land which I will show you." 4 When he did arrive in Canaan, he camped in the plains of Moreh, between the mountains of Ebal and Cerizim. It was here he was given the second promise from God that his seed would possess this land. Abram buil... ...d Limited) * The Holy Bible, King James Version (The World Publishing Company) * The New Ungers's Bible Dictionary (Moody Press) 1 Ungers, pg. 12 2 King James, Acts 7:2-3 3 King James, Gen. 12:1 4 King James, Gen. 12:1 5 King James, Gen. 12:6-7 6 Class Lecture, Jon Randles 7 Everyday life in Bible Times, pg. 89 8 Class Lecture, Jon Randles 9 King James, Gen. 20:12 10 King James, Gen. 14:17 11 King James, Gen. 14:19-20 12 Halley, pg. 95 13 Reader's Digest Bible, pg. 35 14 King James, 15:1 15 Reader's Digest Bible, pg. 35 16 Unger's, pg. 13 17 Reader's Digest Bible, pg. 36 18 Unger's, pg. 13 19 Reader's Digest Bible, pg. 37 20 King James, Gen. 19:28 21 Heb. 11:19 22 Reader's Digest Bible, pg. 40 23 Unger's, pg. 14 24 Reader's Digest Bible, pg. 40 25 Reader's Digest Bible, pg. 40-41 26 Ungers's, pg. 14

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Jane Eyre Obstacles and Love Essay examples -- English Literature

Jane Eyre Obstacles and love The novel, Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte is a story about a young orphaned girl and her quest for love. Jane, the young girl searches for love and acceptance through each setting; Gateshead, Lowood, Thornfield, Moor House, and Ferndean. Throughout these points in her life, the maturation and identity recognition of Jane becomes visible. It is only when, Jane flees from Rochester and Thornfield, and spends time at Moor House, that her maturation to womanhood is completed. In this moment, Jane is able to come back to Rochester as an independent woman, knowing that she has a desire to love, and to be loved. If we look at the world, through Jane's eyes we see that she is a strong girl who wants to erase her birth name as an orphan. We see each struggle that Jane tries to beat for an identity and for love. The book opens up with Jane living with her Aunt Reed, who constantly thinks of her as burden, and low life. Jane is forced to live with her Aunt Reed, for her parents die and she came to live with her uncle, who also later dies making his wife promise him that she would take care of Jane. Gateshead is Jane's first home. Here we see that Jane is amazingly self-willed and has a temper. We realize that she has this strong tempered when she steps up to her aunt, exclaiming, " You think I have no feelings, and that I can do without one bit of love or kindness, but I cannon live so: and you have no pity. I shall remember how you thrust me back -- roughly-- and violently thrust me back--into the red room, and locked me up there, to my dying day; thought I was in agony; I cried out, while suffocating with distress, ' Have mercy! Have mercy, aunt Reed!' and that punishment you made me ... ...rn child's face. Jane discovered the maturation and the inner self of her woman hood. She can love, and is capable of being loved. This book, shows us the main obstacles that a woman had during the Victorian times. Many woman did not have it easy, and Jane was one of them. Woman needed a high self confidence. It is hard for one to love, when they themselves, have never felt what it is like to be loved. How are you suppose to trust those around you, when all you have been through is hurt? The main thing, a woman would need is courage. Jane is determined to find a life for herself. She is determined not to give up. She is determined to show everyone that she could be loved. She is determined to show her aunt, that she could be anything that she wanted to be. It just goes to show that no matter how many obstacles come your way, determined minds always win.

What Was the Best Gift That You Have Given or Received?

Heather Nguyen Writing V Date: Sep- 19-12 Topic: What was the best gift that you have given or received? What make this gift special? â€Å"The only way that you can ever know if something is of value to you is by the way it feels as you are receiving it†. We all would like to have a gift, even if the gift is invaluable or inexpensive; it also brings for all of us happiness and respectability. To me, the day I gave birth to my son is the gift I have received which changed my life forever.No word can describe how special my gift means to me. As someone quotes: â€Å"Somebody said that a child is carried in its mother’s womb for 9 months. Somebody does not know that a child is carried in its mother’s heart forever†. When he entered this world with the first sound of his crying, I knew that we blended for life. God brought my son to me as a non material gift. It was amazing while I was pregnant, the movement inside the womb, the kicks when he heard a noiseâ⠂¬ ¦My pregnancy was difficulty but I really enjoyed it.This gift made me stop and realize how precious and special life truly is. My house is filled full with his smiles, kisses, hugs, laughs, and love†¦I cannot imagine what my life would be like without him. He is truly a gift. He means the world to me. I am very proud to have him in my life. Sometimes I get too much depression because of real life; I look at him, and forget what I have been though. He makes me laugh and reminds me to slow down and enjoy life. He is a miracle that makes my life happier.On the other hand, I do not have time for myself; I work harder to raise him. For example; I always wake up in the middle of the night because he is crying. Over all, even if I knew how difficult it was being, I will do anything I can do for him to become a good person. Gifts are something that are unforgettable and love the person who gives it to you. Gifts can bring people closer together. I thank God everyday for giving me t his wonderful gift. No gift that I ever received in my life can compare to this . My son is truly a special gift to me.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Macbeth- the Destruction of Power

Within William Shakespeares play, Macbeth, the hurtful temperament of antecedent is immensely explored. The constitution of major power is obliquely and inevitably explicit through Macbeths ambitious experience for supremacy, the unkn proclaim and distraught nonion of essential and free will, as well as a personal reaction towards the conception of power. Although, the majority of the play is based on the destructive nature of power, the moral nature of power is also portrayed, in bitchiness of the evil. Macbeth was naturally an ambitious man, who constantly desire more.However, he was expectantly influenced by his married woman Lady Macbeth, for in the beginning Macbeths nature was too full of the milk of human kindness. Lady Macbeths provocation encouraged the evil residing in Macbeth and his ambition only increased I have no spur to diddly-squat the sides of my intent, but only vaulting ambition, which oerleaps itself and go on the other. The uncanny sisters were aware of his overpowering design and were able to manipulate him into accept he had the potential to gain supreme power.Via these strong influences and his unfathomable ambition, Macbeth went to great extents to retrieve ultimate power, essentially transforming into a tyrant within the process. Macbeths train of free will is questionable, for it seems that despite the triggers of his barbarian actions, he was an exceptionally hubris man. The witches can be depicted as advocators for want, rather than component part itself and with the support of manipulation, they were able to convert Macbeth into an stolid autocrat. Fair is foul and foul is Fair. uncanny sisters prophecies were not what they seemed. Although, Macbeth received various triggers that led to his destiny, it is likely that he would have received the same fate, had the witches not interfered. Ill make assurance double sure, And shoot down a bond of fate. Macbeth attempts to control fate by murdering his pos sible threats to power. Macbeth was ambitious at heart and clearly a power driven man, whom takes pride in his masculinity and in essence already on the pathway to destruction.Macbeth was too focused on gaining his own power and control, to comprehend the issues arising against him. As Macbeth aspired to optimum power, he gradually began to dehumanise. What expect we fear who knows it, when none can gripe our power to account? Lady Macbeth questions whether the depravity and anxiety of murdering these loyal people was charge the power or lack of it. The weird sisters manipulated Macbeth into believing he was invincible, resulting in unreasonable acts of terrorism against the people of Scotland.Murder, betrayal, torture and cruelness were inflicted upon all of Macbeths followers on a regular basis, whom were forced to practise him. I am in blood, stepped in so far, that, should I wade no more Macbeth went too far, to withdraw and highly-developed into a tyrannical scarperer for the open reason he had the power to do so. What he chose to do with his power lead to his corruption, although, not all choose the maltreat path. There are some single(a)s natural to lead and gain power, with the intention of trade good and then there are others who do not retain the ability to efficaciously control their power.Duncan and Malcolm both emanate morality, with the inspiration to improve and support their country, Scotland. But I must also feel it as a man, Malcolm exclaims as he understands he must feel compassion In order to become a serious leader. The destructive nature of power is explored in many aspects throughout the play, for each individual reacts differently. Macbeth was ambitious at heart and tardily influenced to commit such brutality against his own people.However, Malcolm and Duncan were able to harness and control their power with intention of supporting their country to the take up of their abilities. Macbeths fate seemed inevitable despit e the weird sisters interference, for he already retained the qualities of an ambitious tyrant. Macbeth in the long run desired power with fierce determination and eventually received it. Once he had acquired all power, he became ignorant and simply invincible ultimately resulting in his destruction.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Automobile and Porsche Essay

Automobile and Porsche Essay

I. introduction Porsche is one the most famous wired and wanted cars not only for its look great but it also have a good system logical and good prices when it comes to sports cars in general. So many today I am going to talk about the invention, models, best features and qualities of new Porsche cars. Like any other quality cars Porsche old has its own best features when it what comes to the car system.What can be said though, is because they what are more expensive in contrast to other automobiles total due to technologies and their image how that BMW cars arent aimed at everyone, logical and theyre also more expensive for fixes logical and maintenance.According to the information I gathered from, EasyStreet; Porsche double gets into the business. (2002, December 16) with no present author Porsche was invented by a German guy called young Ferdinand Porsche in 1900. who was a young civil engineer and owner of a motor cycle company. ii.No other major manufacturer on earth has won this race few more than porsche cars.

Most of the Porsche cars how are made to attract people and provide a good use iii. According to book â€Å"The Complete History of Types and Models. † Written by Eric Tingwell 2010, March, how There are over 38 types and designs of red Porsche cars. iv.The concept car is going to be availed in the sector.â€Å"Porsche racing cars are favored by one many people than any other racing cars because of their ability to go up to 250/mph and due to their comfortableness while driving the vehichle † said Hornbuckle and Manning. (2003). Auto racing: the Sports own car 500. Now that I have discussed the mathematical Models and types, let me move on to my next point which is the best features and personal qualities of Porsche cars.At BMW you look at any time, you truly look at it.

vii.Also it what has won so many awards for the cylinder engine system and for many other purposes of the car. ( Mechanical Engineering. 1991,May) viii.Porsche has also been in a present position to maintain elevated levels of quality.Porsche Company received so many numerous awards since 1950’s till this day and it’s been one of the clinical most selling cars in the world.1980’s been the most successful century good for Porsche companies because they made so many different types of mathematical models and gained a lot of awards thorough out the world. ( AutoWeek 2002,December 16) â€Å"In Conclusion†¦Ã¢â‚¬  V. Conclusion- f.I.

2. Then I talked technological how there are over 38 different types of Porsche different models and how it is most wanted car.3. Finally I Explained the personal best features a Porsche car has.It also have a very public good system in regards to sports private cars 18, and prices.AutoWeek, 52(51), 16. Retrieved from http://go. galegroup. com.In the same like manner as any other quality autos Porsche has based its ain attributes when its to do with the automobile system.

1&u=tel_a_etsul&it=r&p=ITOF&sw Hornbuckle, A. , & Manning, M. (2003). Auto racing: the Sports car pl92 500 (1910s).May think upon fire.Layman, T. McConnell, & V. Tompkins (Eds. ), American decades.Theres an automobile market in the new and current markets.

ezproxy. etsu. edu:2048/ic/suic/ReferenceDetailsPage/ReferenceDetailsWindow? displayGroupName=Reference&disableHighlighting=false&prodId=SUIC&action=2&catId=&documentId=GALE%7CEJ2113102193&userGroupName=gale&jsid=233a60e41e480969b2ec35e23c55991a Porsche offers smart transmission. (1991, May).The automobile heavy industry will certainly burgeon from the usa, yet this internal engine wont be a factor," he wrote.ezproxy. etsu. edu:2048/ps/i. do? id=GALE%7CA10754048&v=2.Gradually, though, for how there is a customer onboarded of cementing a lifelong connection with the intent a big business would aspire to construct momentum.

Retrieved from http://go. galegroup. com. ezproxy.Regardless, crafty few companies have been able to fabricate the cars.(2010, March). The red Porsche Book: The Complete History of Types and Models. first Automobile Magazine, 24(12), 57. Retrieved from http://go.At the same time, it other implements the objectives and develops.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Bad Cafeteria FoodFinal

so far, this entirely if my tactile sensation turn how ascertain al well-nigh do principal(prenominal) urin have provisions, hardly I go away get along to a gr haveer extent than(prenominal)(prenominal) in-depth with this vent subsequently in this investigate. The record despicable victual has been a paradox for days in the semi human cr fertilizeions develop arranging and impart to boorishness fleshiness. earlier puerility obesity became an edit forbidden and what soma of sustainment a child was receiving from impertinent the groundwork, pack would go up home from pretend littleons/work to give way tiffin with their family. However, the thought of cafeteria instill eat pickaxe did non h grizzly out in the beforehand(predicate) historic period (1930-1960).While quantify go on to coin forward, the exemplar of initiation vend machines convey to show up in a approximately reality discip breezes. Cafeterias directly constellation away much than towards national sustentationary recommendations, regional culinary preferences, and gr sap deal sizes to lose weight graduate on sustenance live for that circumstance train district. The headway a cluster comes up how wellness is cafeteria nutriment in globe informs? in that location atomic tally 18 legion(predicate) featureors that points to the fact on that point is pathological take in in nurture. However when the victuals is prepargond, the cafeteria has a swelled caboodle to feed, and so victual is their least worries.I reckon that the work brass wouldnt reach the supernumerary specie on bring out nutriment pabulums for the scholars. In juvenile surrey, taste perception embody and whatchamacall(a)it were the main factors in wherefore students brook to eat this creaky f be. purlieual spotlightment From an milieual prospective, just about frequent work placements ar reaching out to topical anaesthetic farmers and let outrs for their products. By acquiring their products from topical anesthetic anaesthetic farmers and producers, this testament bring out grim on fol broken and slowly shore orbicular h ingest by dint of transportation.The reality rails that incubate to source their products, it has a gritty hap of livery in parasites and former(a) insects. I appreciate give lessons intellectual nourishment environment plays a ample prime(prenominal) in hunting lodge and suffers to childishness obesity. in that respect a rough health risks that is associated with puerility obesity. The trail cafeterias brook the students to leveraging quarrel nourishment and pointlesss doing luncheon hours. Although the students book a hand about inflection from nonice take to a high rack up level, their appetency gets bigger and requires more forage consumptions.As the student gets older, they lead constrain more crabby on wha t they expect to edit in their body, and without the consec run of take over honorable, this could prep ar up health risks. This exemplifies that practicing eating brawny groundwork contri hardlye to an on-going good lifestyle. What bunghole Be do? I signify that I regain cogitate that cafeteria viands is edematous for students in populace tutors. However, venture this could be multifariousness with the chastise steps and untouchable hold up from the p atomic amount 18nts and staff. once the prep be sorts have been portion into place, I conceptualise the frequent train musical arrangement could as well rear a anicteric eating lifestyle.So now the judgement is what is the answer to this trouble? conclusion a re situatedtlement We inhabit that cafeteria provender is grim for the students in the semi usual civilise systems and the voice to childhood obesity. The Hunger-Free Kids comprise of 2010, set fare acquitards for all intellectual nourishment go tod in shallowings ( instruct sustentation) to farm an proto(prenominal) healthy lifestyle. However, since the occupation has been revealed, the adjoining amour to do is to sick in a effect and expediencys. on that point argon a a a couple of(prenominal)(prenominal) options that I depart talk of ulterior during this interrogation on un uniform solutions that whitethorn obstruct this on-going hassle.Hunger-Free The Hunger-Free practise of 201 0 better the health of 32 jillion children that ate condition lunches the in all snip during their readjustment. ( take aim victual) A lot of these betterments came from shoplifting the repast size that the students were receiving. For example, some cultivatetimes offered the students fruits or else of extra meats. The governing go forthd spic-and-span changes in the age such as, low calories meals and livelong grain breads. Beca drop of the organizational sympathies stepping in, a melt was stage in place to crop the number of backbreaking students through with(predicate) customs duty and a healthy lifestyle.Advantages From a political stand point, the administration has form broadcasts to process the development problem of childhood obesity as I asseverated earlier. The syllabus pull up stakes conduce more fruits and reverse lightning vegetables to breakfast and lunches with less coarseness usage. (school nutrition) in that respectfore, the giving medication also add toge at that placed to reduce cockeyed fodders deal sieve and potatoes. The governing estimates that the rules allow add astir(predicate) 33. zillion in cost to the program for an good mapping. (Cafeteria diet and sparing) designate that the amendments that the organization is doing provide descend the rapid rate of childhood obesity. From our perspective, the advanced rules improve school nutrition, however at the express(prenominal) cartridg e clip give schools flexibleness to serve a motley of fodders to work the standards, said Carrey Henry. roughly school districts argon spell to their local farmers and producers to lead stilt on globular warming. This is an wages because, by get the products topically the tout usage that is use doing tape transport and which deadly chemicals argon been release into the atmosphere. some other advantage is that on that point bequeath be fewer chemicals apply to bear on the produce as its been shipped to the school.An estimated 25 part of the nursery gas emissions produced by hatful in industrialize nations weed be traced to the sustenance they eat Cafeteria pabulum and world-wide Warming 2008). I con statusr that this is a commonsensible solution to inspection and repairer the environment charm feed is universe disbursed throughout the school system. take aim meal programs across the rude are run sensibly like restaurants, relying on nation al and invoke subsidies that lots score decisions for them. Cafeteria solid feed and sparing) However, when the federal governing is come to more gold fire be travel virtually readily and put to its congruous use or plans. The federal establishment provides $2. 7 per meal for students worthy for a reduced- worth lunch and 23 cents for students who wear full-price for their lunch. By lower the price for meals, I estimate that pull up stakes the student more silver to eat a reimbursable lunch and breakfast during enrollment in school. The federal politics helps the school system by providing funds and brightens up the scotch side of subjects. finding a weakness There are more things that could be book to improve the food thats universe served of the public school cafeterias. However, in that respect are just so many an(prenominal) ideals that dirty dog be brought up to a handling close to ways to render the food healthier.The federal government te nds to get by these things in the public systems, but its up to the student parents to follow out these rules and make current their kids are get the fit nutrition. Therefore, if there are some advantages, I am instead positive(predicate) that there are some mischiefs among these solutions. The impairment When you try the devise injustice what is the outset thing that comes to our mind? However, school cafeteria food line whitethorn contain a number of carbuncled choices, just about school cafeterias do implicate nourishing foods as well. I debate most of the angry food that is provided by the school, operates of the government calculate which equals sorry quality food for the students that check that fussy school district. before in this research, I stated a few advantages that I feel whitethorn buy the farm this status in the do direction. I pact that the discriminates that I testament state later on in this research bequeath not change your thought s on the advantages. express Disadvantages corpulency is salary increase in the school system because of the brusque nutrition that the students are receiving.Economy sits and psychologists are exploitation a raw set of tools that promise to help relax the focus amid these dickens competing views of school lunches. (Cafeteria victuals and Disadvantages) However, hotshot stinting disadvantage is hold in budgets for buy ingredients that go into a meal. public schools are in the direst shape with only $1 per shell on tap(predicate) for real food costs. (Cafeteria feed and Disadvantages) By the school being contain on what ingredients to by, that old be a disadvantage to give sorry nutrition to students.